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Privacy, or rather the protection of personal data, is a critical area in today’s society. It is essential that both public authorities and private entities understand the huge value of the information assets managed daily, and the consequent need to protect them in the best possible way.

Wrongly it is usual to consider “Privacy” as a limit to the free information exchange, however, the Data Protection legislation proposes the exact opposite. Setting rules to promote the free exchange of personal information in a correct way.

In the field of Data Protection we offer the following services:

  • Comprehensive corporate compliance assistance concerning data protection;
  • Drafting and verification of compliance with sector specific regulations – EU Reg. 2016/679 (GDPR) and D.Lgs 196/2003 (Italian Privacy Code);
  • Training courses held by Companies and Public Authorities, in order to guarantee the compulsory training related to data protection;
  • Assistance in submitting complaints to the Italian Data Protection Authority;
  • Assistance in filing applications for data protection access by private individuals;
  • Availability to serve as DPO (Data Protection Officer) in public and private entities;
  • Consulenza sulle attività di videosorveglianza e assistenza per la presentazione della richiesta di autorizzazione alla Direzione Provinciale del Lavoro.

With reference to the Data protection sector, in the articles section you can consult the contributions of Mr. Giuliano De Luca published in the main national legal journals..

Because privacy isn’t about something to hide. Privacy is about something to protect. That’s who you are – Quando parliamo di privacy non ci riferiamo a qualcosa da nascondere. Quando parliamo di Privacy parliamo di qualcosa da proteggere. Parliamo di te”

Cit. Andrew Snowden

Background Photo by ev on Unsplash